After hitting my $10 a day target in the last week, I have been working on my next steps to increase my earnings to $20 per day.
I will still be clicking ads daily and building my team on each site, but as I have a full time job (at the moment!) I need something that is quite hands off and automated. So I have decided to try Affiliate Marketing and have found 2 programs to start off with.
MLGS – My Lead Gen Secret <<== Click to join
This site has been around for years and gives you 100 leads per day (mainly US leads) which you can mail from their site. I have been using this site for just over a month and mail daily, I have been promoting a couple of different offers so far, but havent had any sales yet!
They have a Facebook group and quite a few people in that are having success with a couple of Clickbank products, so from today I am going to be mailing them and seeing if I get any sales.
Costs – The cost for MGLS is $30 per month (there is also $30 setup fee for the first month), but you do get 100 leads per day and you can double that to 200 leads per day if you refer at least 1 person that signs up.
Time – The only thing you need to do with this site is log in every day to send an email. You have to do that every day, you cant schedule them. But it only takes a couple of minutes once you have the emails ready. If you use Clickbank a lot of the products have email swipes you can use (I use Chat GPT to rewrite these!)
Results – So far I havent made any sales but this is a long term site so I will see what results I get with Clickbank products over the next month.
Monthly Income Club <<== Click to join
This is a Warrior Plus offer from Dawud Islam & Shelly Turner that offers ‘A New Passive Earnings Opportunity
All you have to do is sign up and then your link is added to their rotator so when they promote that months product and someone purchases it could be through your link (there are no guarantees that you will make sales)

Costs – The cost for Monthly Income Club is $6.95 per month and you get a new product promoted each month as long as you are subscribed.
Time – The only thing you need to do with this site is reply to the email they send each month to get your affiliate link and send it to them via email.
Results – I only joined this yesterday, so it is a bit early to see any results, but as it is hands off and a low monthly price I will be testing it out to see what results I get and will add these result to my weekly reports.
I will be looking out for more offers like the ones above to test out and also more passive income sites that can help me reach that next target of $20 per day.