Surf Daily, Advertise and Earn Bitcoin

Yes you can do this all on one site!

You just need to follow a few simple steps.

Step 1 – Join Infinity Traffic Boost by clicking here

Login and you will be sent to the main dashboard. Click the surf button to start surfing.

Step 2 – Start surfing

You will need to complete the capture to start viewing ads

The ad will load and the timer will countdown from 15

Once it reaches 0 you need to click the box with the colour specified, in the image below this is green.

You will then receive 0.25 credits to advertise your own sites, click ‘Continue Surfing’ to view the next ad.

As a free member you can surf upto 100 sites per day, if you upgrade then you can surf 120 sites per day.

3. Earn Bitcoin

Every 10 sites that you surf you will see this message, this means that the next day you will receive Bitcoin to your ITB account.

Below you can see that at the present time you get 5 sats for each share you earn

You can check how much you have earnt by scrolling down the dashboard to the section below. (Anything you earn today will show here tomorrow)

4. Team Building – Click here to clone my advertising page

The best way to increase your earnings each day is by building a team. Click the link above to see the page that I use daily to get new team members.

Another way to do this is by making a copy of this blog post (I use THIS ACCOUNT to create my blog). I recommend you do that so you can simply share a link to your post with people requesting info. As long as you update the links in this post to your own links this will gain you referrals.

5. Advertising

To add your sites to be viewed, click on ‘Get Exposure’ then Promote Pages in the left menu

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Add Campaign URL’

You will see the popup below.

  1. Your Site URL
  2. Click to test if the site shows
  3. Make sure you can see your site
  4. Limit the number of views of your site
  5. Click ‘Save Campaign URL’ then close the popup

Your sites stats will show under Advertising Campaigns

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