If you are looking to start earning online getting your first $1 is a great target to aim for. Follow these simple steps and you can reach this target as soon as tomorrow depending on which sites you use and how much work you are prepared to do!
Step 1 – FaucetPay
You will need a wallet to receive your earning and FaucetPay is a great microwallet with low fees.
Step 2 – CoinPayU
The quickest and easiest way to earn your first $1 is to use CoinPayU, there are may ways to earn on this site but mainly it is a PTC site with between 60-70 ads per day. You can earn between 5-10c per day just doing these. If you are willing to do surveys or offers you can easily earn $1 in a day
Step 3 – Add More PTC / Faucet Sites
If you want to reach $1 faster then just add a couple more sites like the ones below, they all pay to FaucetPay and have low withdraw minimums. Make sure you use the same coin for all your withdraws, I use LTC as it is quick and has very low fees.
Vie Faucet – can earn around 50c per week with PTC & faucet
EarnBitMoon – can earn around 25c per week with PTC & faucet
Lootizy – can earn around 15c per week with PTC & faucet
Cointiply – can earn 40-50c per week with PTC & faucet or more if you surveys or play games. Minimum withdraw is higher at $3
Step 4 – Start Passive Income Streams
Once you have your $1 (or more) what do you do with it?
I like to have several passive income streams so I Infinity Hash is a great place to start as you only need $1 to get started (and a small amount for fees).
Read my blog post on how to deposit into Infinity Hash here
Step 5 – Repeat Repeat Repeat!
You just need to keep doing the same each day and funding your Infinity Hash account when you have at least $1.
Once that is earning daily you can move onto building another site, and another and another!
I will be adding more sites soon so subscribe to this blog by filling your details in below to be notified whenever I publish a new post.